Bed Bath & Biscuits
Bed Bath & Biscuits offers several grooming options for your beloved canine. Whether they are simply in need of a thorough bath, brushing, and nail trim, or maybe they need a little more care, our groomers have you covered! Prices vary depending on many factors, including but not limited to, the dog's size, hair coat length, hair coat quality, temperament, willingness to cooperate, grooming haircut requested. Certain situations like extreme matting or aggression can cause the price to be higher, but our groomers are happy to work at your pet's pace, and our most important policy is to keep them safe and comfortable throughout the entire process.
Please call our Grooming Salon at 765-969-0849 for an appointment or an estimated quote.
Whitening Bath
Moisturizing Bath
Oatmeal Bath
Flea & Tick Bath
Skunk Bath
FURminator deshedding treatment
Brush & Blow out
Teeth Brushing
Anal Gland Expression
Nail Trim
Nail Grind
Sanitary Trim
Puppy Cut
Full Groom
Paw Fur Trim